Thursday, December 27, 2012

Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Pie & Speedway In Lights

Hello Lovelies,

 I hope everyone has had a great day, I spent the day relaxing with my whole family around the house, eating leftover Christmas dinner & then we headed out to the Bristol Motor Speedway for the Speedway in Lights. If you've never been there it really needs to be put on your bucket list! 
I didn't get the chance to take many pictures due to being in the back seat of a pick-up but I did get these pictures :)


My Mommy & Daddy!                    Snow Flurries!!!                             Pretty Lights!               

I'm hoping we get to go back one more time this year. 
They have an open air sleigh (tram) ride that we're hoping to reserve & if we do I should be able to get some awesome photos of the lights. :)

As promised, here is the Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Pie recipe I promised...

Makes 5-6 servings 

Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 3-4 hours
Cooling Time: 2-4 hours
Ideal slow cooker size: 3-qt.

15-oz. can solid-pack pumpkin
12-oz. can evaporated milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk baking mix
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 stick (2 Tbsp.) butter, melted
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3/4 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
whipped topping

1. Spray slow cooker with cooking spray.
2. Mix all ingredients together in slow cooker, except whipped topping.
3. Cover. Cook on Low 3-4 hours, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
4. Allow to cool to warm, or chill, before serving with whipped topping. 

This recipe is delicious & sooo easy to make! 
You really should give it a try! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas ( a few hours late)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas,  I know I did! I ate Way too much Ham, & mashed potatoes & gravy (Ham gravy is my favorite! ) & I had a blast with my family, especially when my dad started throwing the dinner rolls to my brother like they were little footballs, although that came to a halt when my brother missed a roll & it hit the floor ( we couldn't risk losing anymore rolls Lol).
In the previous post I mentioned my craft projects but couldn't share details but seeing as how they have opened the gifts I suppose I can tell you. I actually made coasters out of tile & scrapbook paper.
I made 4 sets, I will post pictures of all 4 sets later, along with how I made them :)
I'm using the Blogger app on my Droid  for the first time so I apologize if theirs any spelling errors or any errors in general for that matter. The app is handy but it is very limited. 
It's getting pretty late so I am heading to bed. Next post I plan on giving you guys a delicious crock-pot pumpkin cake recipe. :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I'm Back!

Hey all, I know my blog has been oh so quiet lately, things finally started to slow down around here but now I have no internet  :/ I'm at my grandmas house for the evening & thought I would post. I can't wait to get my internet back so I can start blogging all the time again. 

I'm working on some crafty projects right now but their Christmas presents so they will have to stay a secret for now ;) 

I don't know about you guys but I am loving the holiday season! Hot cocoa, sweaters, mittens, snow, Christmas movies & music, & most of all spending time with my family.
Speaking of which it's getting a bit late & my hubby is ready to head home so I will leave you with the trailer from my all time favorite Christmas movie ever...

I hope you all have a safe & wonderful Christmas! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Crazy Retail Customers & Cute Baby Animals

I've been pretty busy lately so I apologize for not posting much, it will unfortunately be this way for the rest of this month since I have more to do then I can shake a stick at, I wish I could shake a stick at it & it would be done, as it is I shouldn't even be taking the time to write this post now but blogging seemed way more fun than going through boxes of junk, although at this rate my cousin Krista (from Chaotic Thoughts With Krista) might end up blogging about how she had to sleep on my sofa rather than the nice bed in the guest room & I don't wanna be the feature of a nasty blog post (she wouldn't really do that, I don't think). 
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've said it before but I will say it again, I really don't like working a job in retail, my dream is to someday be able to quit & make money doing my own thing but since I'll be stuck in retail for awhile it is worth mentioning that sometimes retail does offer up some entertainment. Example, the guy that came in last night & wanted to return a leaf blower because it was "too noisy", we tried to sell him some ear plugs but he kept insisting that their was something wrong with the leaf blower (I would be worried if it wasn't noisy). I think I may make a page specifically for the crazy stuff I hear people say, sound like a good idea? It might be entertaining :)

I recently heard that looking at cute pictures of baby animals makes you more productive, don't believe me? watch this video...
See, proof! (also I am addicted to Good Mythical Morning & all other videos by Rhett & Link)

As much as I would love to sit here and blog all day I really need to get back to my guest room & get some stuff done before I have to take Hershey back to the vet AGAIN (he pulled out some of his stitches last night) I will do my best to post as much as possible (especially since if I'm blogging I'm not going through boxes of junk).

Monday, October 1, 2012

Crazy Week

Hey all, I have been horrible about not blogging this past week, but, in my defense it has been a crazy week. 
The week started out alright, my husband & I helped move some furniture for my grandparents & great grandparents & I've been working on my craft room some more. I've had a headache the majority of this week (thanks to the weather change) but only 2 days were unbearable. My husband has come down with a cold & I keep feeling like I'm getting one but my body is still fighting it off (for now). 
The worst part of this week was Friday morning, I let the dogs outside (we have a min-pin named Hershey & a pit-bull terrier mix named Sebastian) & I heard Hershey yelping so I went to go see what was going on, I opened the back door & he comes running inside with blood all over him, now I don't handle blood well, especially when it's all over my little doggy, so I start freaking out. I put him in the tub to rinse him off so I can see where he's bleeding from & realize that he has a huge gash in his butt hole (gross) I have no clue what happened but I couldn't stop the bleeding so we rushed him to the vet. My poor baby had to have 8 stitches & then the vet convinced me to go ahead and have him neutered so he's got 2 more stitches from where they took his cojones (poor dog). 
I've had to keep a close eye on him since we've had him home, for some reason the cat keeps trying to claw at his butt stitches so I can't let him out of my sight. I'm hoping this next week goes quickly so he can get his stitches taken out, it's hard to keep a min-pin calm.

So anyway, that was my week. Their were lots of things I had planned to blog about but never got to it. 
One of the things I was going to blog about was the guy wearing the orange vest that said "I am a drunk driver" while he picked up trash off the side of the road. I think they should make them all wear vest with their crime in print, here's some examples...

Ok, I need to go get busy on my guest room, my cousin will be down at the end of October & at this rate she will have to sleep on boxes, so for her sake, this is the end of this post.

Oh, I almost forgot, my song addiction of the week...

Now this is the end of this post ;)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Before & After

As promised here are the before & after pictures...

They look perfect for the craft room (which I'll post pictures of once it's organized better).
Which is what I should be working on now. So on that note, here's some music to enjoy...
(My song addiction of the week!)

My Current Projects

Hey all, I'm working on a few projects today, one being a cabinet for my craft room & a lamp for my craft room. Here's some before pictures...

Hopefully I will have both of the after pictures up by the end on the day :) 
I'm not exactly sure what I want to do to the lamp yet but I'll think of something. If you have any ideas, leave me a comment!
I have to get back to my projects but I will post again later today!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Officially Fall!

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to post yesterday like I planned to & today's post will be short. The reason I didn't get to post yesterday was because I was busy helping out with a yard sale, now I didn't even know the person that was having the yard sale, my great grandparents just bought a house from her & she still had the place packed full of stuff, so my grandma & great grandparents had packed all of her stuff up & cleaned the house & then helped her set up her yard sale (actually they did almost all the work) so I figured I would go help out for the yard sale (besides, yard sales are fun). 

Anyway I'm pretty excited about today being the first day of fall, I love fall & thankfully it actually feels like fall here in Tn. & soon the leaves will be changing & it will be perfect weather for hot chocolate, hoodies, & bonfires,. I think my next big project will be a firepit!

Get out there & enjoy the beautiful weather!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Clotheslines & Warmers

They actually have nothing to do with each other except for the fact that I’m obsessed with them both at the moment. I’m a new fan of warmers, I had never had one until this past week (I know, I’m a bit behind in the times), I always have candles, especially around fall time & I had a few I had been lighting a lot lately, then I started finding black soot in my nose (gross, I know), now my candles weren’t the newest candles ever, & heaven knows they were probably cheap to begin with so I decided it was time to buy some new fall scented candles, so I went to Wal-mart (where this cheap girls loves to shop). Long story short, I ended up with 2 warmers (the kind that plug in) & about 5 different scents (I about died when the cashier said my total) but I am in LOVE with them, & I would highly suggest you try them (although most people probably already have), the warmers from Wal-mart are just fine but if Scentsy is in your budget they have a ton of really cute warmers.

These are the 2 I got from Wal-mart, the right one is my favorite, it’s made by ScentSationals & it’s called Cityscape. The other one is made by Better Homes & Gardens & it’s called Expressions.

And here is my other current obsession…

My husband & I just recently bought a house, & while we absolutely LOVE our home we’ve had plenty of problems to come along with it, we’ve not even owned it for 6 months & we’ve had the stove put on a firework display in the kitchen (sparks, smoke, loud popping noises, the whole nine yards). The roof leaked & it went down into the wall & into a electric outlet (no fire started thank goodness) & somehow when we were testing out the appliances before we bought the house we somehow missed the dryer, which doesn’t work. For months we’ve been taking clothes to the laundromat (which gets expensive) & sometimes we take it to my grandma’s house & do our laundry there (it is a 45 min drive but comes with perks like yummy dinners & a comfy sofa to cuddle up on in between loads) but I was tired of not being able to do laundry at my own house so I finally broke down & got a clothesline, I was going to buy the actual line & hardware to hang it but I found a retractable clothesline instead, which is perfect since I hung it in the carport (I had a fear of birds pooping on my clothes) & this way we can easily retract it if we want to park in our carport. I didn’t think I would care for having a clothesline instead of a dryer but I actually love it & enjoy going out to hang my laundry up. Just one more thing to prove I should have been born before my time, We’ll talk about that in another post.


They say writing the first post is always the hardest, so I guess I’ll just start out by telling you what my blog is all about. Ok,  It’s actually going to be about a lot of things, I named it “My Chaotic Notebook” because that’s exactly what it’s going to be, I am constantly keeping notebooks full of random lists & ideas, I save all kinds of things in folders on my computer, & I am addicted to Pinterest, so while I’m constantly taking in all these ideas I figured I needed a way to share them as well, so this is it, your view into my chaotic notebook, I hope you enjoy!