I've been pretty busy lately so I apologize for not posting much, it will unfortunately be this way for the rest of this month since I have more to do then I can shake a stick at, I wish I could shake a stick at it & it would be done, as it is I shouldn't even be taking the time to write this post now but blogging seemed way more fun than going through boxes of junk, although at this rate my cousin Krista (from Chaotic Thoughts With Krista) might end up blogging about how she had to sleep on my sofa rather than the nice bed in the guest room & I don't wanna be the feature of a nasty blog post (she wouldn't really do that, I don't think).
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've said it before but I will say it again, I really don't like working a job in retail, my dream is to someday be able to quit & make money doing my own thing but since I'll be stuck in retail for awhile it is worth mentioning that sometimes retail does offer up some entertainment. Example, the guy that came in last night & wanted to return a leaf blower because it was "too noisy", we tried to sell him some ear plugs but he kept insisting that their was something wrong with the leaf blower (I would be worried if it wasn't noisy). I think I may make a page specifically for the crazy stuff I hear people say, sound like a good idea? It might be entertaining :)
I recently heard that looking at cute pictures of baby animals makes you more productive, don't believe me? watch this video...
See, proof! (also I am addicted to Good Mythical Morning & all other videos by Rhett & Link)
As much as I would love to sit here and blog all day I really need to get back to my guest room & get some stuff done before I have to take Hershey back to the vet AGAIN (he pulled out some of his stitches last night) I will do my best to post as much as possible (especially since if I'm blogging I'm not going through boxes of junk).